Let's Talk Time Management — DarkerBerrie
Let's Talk Time Management

Let's Talk Time Management

Did you remember to set your clocks back?

Time Management. Doesn't those words just make you cringe! We all struggle with it, mostly because we would rather be on a beach sipping mojitos and margaritas (or whatever your drink of choice is). I though I was the Time Management champ while I was in college. I scheduled all my classes for Tuesdays and Thursdays because I was active on campus. Once I graduated things changed a bit. I was no longer able to apply the same methods I used in college.. mainly because I was now in the real world and things are different out here. 

In order to keep myself on task I have to use a variety of tools. 

  • Phone-As much as I hate to admit I am on my phone a lot! like a lot! So I set different reminders and alarms to keep myself on track. Lately I have enjoyed making short list for daily or weekly tasks. I never let the list get longer than 5 items and I really focus on things that are a true priority. 
  • Agenda-An agenda sounds so dated but I appreciate things that are not digital files. It gives me much pleasure to physically write in an appointment and to flip through the pages to see what I have coming up. 
  • Watch-Does anyone still use their watches to tell time? I do! My new JORD Wood watch (Check it out HERE) is not only the perfect accessory but it keeps me on time and on task as I navigate the blogger sphere. I get asked a lot about this watch because it's so unique! This is definitely a conversation starter. I was not happy about springing forward and losing an hour of sleep but this watch is surely spring style ready. Check out some of the men styles here!

Want to add a Jord Watch to your waredrobe? Enter for a chance to win a $100 gift code to use on the JORD site! HURRY YOU HAVE UNTIL MARCH 19 TO ENTER!

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