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GIFs That Describe My Work Day

I still pray that I will the lottery so I wont ever have to work again....but then again I don't even play the lottery. Like millions of other around the world I have a 9-5 office job, so I'm pretty sure you can relate to how my day usually goes. 

4 alarms later and I'm still running late

8:00- a small cup of coffee to get me started. 

10:00am responding to 1,345,322 emails

11:00am- trying to get work done when people are asking 21 questions

12:00pm- when the meeting is cutting into your lunch time

2:00PM- When you Manager asks if you finished a report.. that you know nothing about

4:58pm- when you have to hurry up and leave before you get a 5 minute tasks that will take 2 hours.

And start the cycle over the next day!